INTRODUCTION TO ETHICAL HACKING OPEN ROOT TERMINAL: 1) Right click open terminal 2). Enter sudo bash 3) enter password ------------------------------------------------------ nslookup (ip address or site name) For more information Command: nmap (site or ip) It is used to get information which scans 1000 port by default Command: nmap oG -ipaddress -p 22 -vv > file destination oG: just gives good structure format as output vv : double verbose command which give more information in formate and saves > (Destiny) : This symbol is used to give destiny file location and save file -p (port no.): This can be used to scan specific Ports -F : this can be used to make the scan fast In nmap more than one can scan at a time Command: ,nmap (address1) (address2) ******PROXYCHAINS****** Now it's time to be anonymous,let's setus proxychains. Open root terminal, then edit proxycha...