1) Right click open terminal
2). Enter sudo bash
nslookup (ip address or site name)
For more information
Command: nmap (site or ip)
It is used to get information which scans 1000 port by default
Command: nmap oG -ipaddress -p 22 -vv > file destination
oG: just gives good structure format as output
vv: double verbose command which give more information in formate and saves
> (Destiny): This symbol is used to give destiny file location and save file
-p (port no.): This can be used to scan specific Ports
-F : this can be used to make the scan fast
In nmap more than one can scan at a time
Now it's time to be anonymous,let's setus proxychains.
Open root terminal,then edit proxychains.conf using nano editor
Cmd:nano /etc/proxychains.conf
•if it is empty or don't work,just check the file name it could be different.
•now coment out static and un comment dynamic.
•scroll down and search for proxylist then add socks5 (ip address copy from above for temporary) (port)
• it's time to check . Open root terminal enter service tor start
•to check status us cmd service tor status
• if there is an error, upgrade files and enter cmd ( apt-get install tor)
To stop to tor use service tor stop.
MAC address spoofing is a technique for temporarily changing your Media Access Control (MAC) address on a network device. A MAC Address is a unique and hardcoded address programmed into network devices which cannot be changed permanently. The MAC address is in the 2nd OSI layer and should be seen as the physical address of your interface. Macchanger is a tool that is included with any version of Kali Linux including the 2016 rolling edition and can change the MAC address to any desired address until the next reboot. In this tutorial we will be spoofing the MAC address of our wireless adapter with a random MAC address generated by Macchanger on Kali Linux. Kali Linux 2.0, an Advanced Penetration Testing Linux distribution used for Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking and network security assessments
•use command macchanger --help
To get more info
•cmd macchanger -s (current network connected to know use cmd ifconf)
•first three digits of Mac address (08:00:27 ) gives about the manufacturer this can search on google (any search engine).
-l:this can be used to know manufacturer prefix Mac address
Presently,use -r for random address and to be anonymous
Anonsurf will anonymize the entire system under TOR using IPTables. It will also allow you to start and stop i2p as well. Und3rflow forked ParrotSec's git and made a version for Kali Linux which is very easy and straight forward to install. His repo contains the sources of both the anonsurf and pandora packages from ParrotSec combined into one. Und3rflow also made some small modifications to the DNS servers to use of Private Internet Access (instead of using FrozenDNS) and added some fixes for users who don't use the resolvconf application. He also removed some functionality such as the GUI and IceWeasel/Firefox in RAM. There's a installer script which makes it really easy to install it. You can review the installer script to find out more. This forked version should now work with any Debian or Ubuntu system, but this has only been tested to work on a kali-rolling amd64 system. I am also using the same system but users are advised to test and verify it in their own distro. If it works, then you will be able to hide your IP and gain anonymity as long you're not signed into any website such as Google, Yahoo etc.
•Git clone:
•cd kali-anonsurf/
• /
•anonsurf start
DNS spoofing
DNS Spoofing (sometimes referred to as DNS Cache Poisoning) is an attack whereby a host with no authority is directing a Domain Name Server (DNS) and all of its requests.
cat /etc/resolv.conf
nano /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf (uncomment prepend domain-name-servers (rewrite/add open DNS address)
service network-manager restart